2030 Agenda

LFV and several other public authorities have been tasked with contributing to the overall goals set by the UN's 2030 Agenda, in which Sweden also participates. The 2030 Agenda is a roadmap for creating long-term, sustainable, economic, social and environmental development for all. LFV is tasked with reporting on how its activities contribute to Sweden's ability to achieve the global goals and, in particular, assessing the goals and sub-goals where its activities have the greatest impact at national and international level.

The 2030 Agenda contains seventeen goals, with a number of sub-goals. LFV has identified the following 2030 Agenda goals to which it can best contribute: sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure (9), sustainable cities and communities (11). We work continuously to achieve the goals.

Sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

  • LFV is responsible for research, development and innovation.
  • Joint Danish-Swedish airspace - provides straighter flight paths.
  • LFV conducts research and development projects with a focus on environmental improvement.
  • LFV constructs flight paths to and from airports to minimize emissions and noise.

Sustainable cities and communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

  • LFV carries out in-depth environmental analyses of airspace traffic flows.
  • LFV works on the development of airspace, procedures and system support.