Processing of personal data
Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitutes personal data.
LFV only collects personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. The information is always adequate, relevant, necessary for its purpose and not unnecessarily extensive. The data is updated as needed and processed with appropriate security.
Personal data may not be processed for longer periods than is required for the purpose of the processing or for archiving purposes. LFV archives contain personal data in accordance with archive law. The disposal decisions are determined by the National Archives and reported in LFV's Document Management Plan.
Different types of processing
Public interest
LFV's operation, in the framework of our assignment, is a task carried out in the public interest and is the legal basis for LFV's processing of personal data.
LFV processes personal data whilst performing assignments given by government and parliament. LFV's task is to "provide a safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly for civil and military aviation." In this context, personal information is handled in the form of name, address, e-mail address, IP address, cookies, social security number and data of private aircraft's identities which all can be related to an individual.
Processing in LFV’s administrative activities
As an authority, LFV is required to conduct its business effectively and to design its administration in order to ensure functional operations. A large part of the personal data managed by LFV is managed to streamline administration and are necessary for the administration and operation.
The principle of public access to official documents of openness takes precedence over the Data Protection Regulation regarding "documents held by the authorities" This means that the handling of personal data that is subject to the public policy must always be carried out in accordance with the regulations that follow.
LFV is required by law to register general documents. This means that documents sent to or from LFV or established by LFV are registered. The personal data needed for registration and the data included in the information is handled by LFV.
The data subjects’ rights
The person whose information is handled, i.e. registered, by LFV is entitled to receive information on this appropriately and to obtain a register extract.
The person whose information is processed, i.e. the data subject, is entitled to information on the processing. The data subject can also request the personal data to be altered, deleted or the restriction of the processing.
A request of the data subject
You have the right to confirm whether personal data is processed and if so which. The data subject is also entitled to receive an extract of the data being processed.
Alteration or deletion of data
The data subject can request for information to be corrected, supplemented or deleted, as long as;
- The data are no longer necessary in their context
- There is no legitimate reason to process the data
- The data has been registered in violation of the law
The data subject can also require restriction of the processing.
Data may not be changed or deleted if it violates the principle of public access to official documents of openness archiving rules or if the information is required for the data to be of legitimate interest or a part of the exercise of authority. This means that there must be a well-thought-out and determined decommissioning decision to remove the information. LFV's disposal decisions are documented in LFV's Document Management Plan.
Completion or alteration of data in LFV's information as general documents can be made if it appears that an amendment has been made. This means that there is a selection of original text and the changed text.
You can complain about the processing to LFV or the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.
Contact details
If you have any questions regarding LFV`s processing of personal data you can contact the Data Protection Officer by sending an e-mail to