LFV Holding and subsidiaries
LFV's subsidiaries are grouped in the holding company LFV Holding. The government's instruction for LFV states that LFV and those companies in which the State, directly or indirectly, has a controlling influence through the enterprise, together form a public enterprise group. The group consists of the public enterprise, its wholly owned holding company LFV Holding AB, its wholly owned subsidiaries AVISEQ Critical Communication AB, LFV Aviation Consulting AB and LFV Norway AS and the associated company Entry Point North AB.
AVISEQ Critical Communication AB
AVISEQ provides technical operations and maintenance services to air traffic control centres, airports, government agencies and companies in Sweden. The company employs about 200 people and had a turnover of about SEK 300 million in 2019. AVISEQ is a wholly owned subsidiary of the LFV Group and was formerly Eltel's Aviation & Security business area. The business has its roots in 1950s aviation. For over 70 years, it has delivered and maintained the operations of many generations of critical communications solutions.
LFV Aviation Consulting AB
LFV Aviation Consulting is LFVs subsidiary for international consulting services in civil aviation. LFV has long and extensive experience with projects in the air navigation services and airport sectors around the world.
Entry Point North
Entry Point North (EPN). A one-third share in Entry Point North AB is owned by LFV, Danish Naviair and Irish IAA respectively. EPN offers training in air navigation services to its owners but also to other customers. The Entry Point North AB group includes the wholly owned subsidiaries Entry Point North Ireland DAC and Entry Point Denmark ApS as well as 51% of the Hungarian subsidiary Entry Point Central KFT, the remaining 49% of which is owned by Hungaro Control Plc, itself owned by the Hungarian state. In 2018, EPN established the company Entry Point North Belgium SA. The Belgian company began operations in September and is 50% co-owned with SKEYES (Belgocontrol).