Procedure and Airspace design

The complexity of designing airspace and flight paths is increasing. Today, simply flying efficiently from a safety perspective is not enough. Other perspectives such as economy, capacity and environmental perspectives also need to be taken into consideration. A great deal of the work to create airspace and flight paths concerns cooperation between airport and airspace users.

Designing flight procedures and airspace around airports

LFV has unique competencies and extensive experience in designing flight procedures and airspace around airports. Our knowledge of authorities' requirements ensures that all requirements and regulations are met in an efficient manner.

Fly to and from the airport

To fly to and from an airport, instrument flight procedures are required. These can be based on conventional navigation aids (ground-based) such as VOR/NDB/DME or on the technology that aircraft have on board, so-called Performance Based Navigation, PBN. For PBN-based procedures, GNSS (satellite navigation) is the main source for determining the aircraft's position.

Two types of procedures

Procedures can be divided into two types, those for the take-off and landing phase, and those for standardized flight paths within the terminal area (TMA) connecting to the flight paths in the upper airspace.

The flight procedures and flight paths are protected by airspace; terminal area (TMA) and control zone (CTR) at our major airports and by traffic information area (TIA) and traffic information zone (TIZ) at less busy airports. How big the air spaces should be depends, among other things, on how much space flight procedures and flight paths take up.

Services we offer

LFV's procedure and airspace designers have extensive experience in designing procedures and airspaces.

We offer:

  • Design of airspace and instrument flight procedures.
  • Review of airspace and instrument flight procedures.
  • In-depth obstacle analyzes for wind energy companies.
  • Impact assessments of various kinds for airports, such as planned runway extensions or installations of new navigation aids.

LFV also designs instrument flight procedures specially adapted for helicopters, so-called PinS.

If you want to know more about different types of airspace and the connection to a flight procedure's various obstacle surfaces, read more on the page Flight obstacle analyses.